It was time again to get more members to join M&DC...under orders of ECA....XP
The last time we had a recruitment drive, we managed to fill up a total of 11 registration forms with 11 names on each sheet, bringing a total of about 120+ new members.
So to try and be optimistic, I set my goals at 5 sheets at the start. The forces that be, however, had other plans.
More and more students came and signed up, making me raise the goal number to 8....then 10....then we reached 11, and thought that was it...but boy, were we wrong...
With the help of local hunks Robin and Kien (Kien's hair in 3rd pic and Robin's lips in 4th, don't ask), we managed to fill up 13 sheets of registration forms. That brings us a total of 150+ new students for July alone. Wow.
With the help of local hunks Robin and Kien (Kien's hair in 3rd pic and Robin's lips in 4th, don't ask), we managed to fill up 13 sheets of registration forms. That brings us a total of 150+ new students for July alone. Wow.
Now, the only thing i can pray for is that most of them do not go to 'sleep'.
The rock is something I took on a whim to try and test my camera skills. Had others but Brendan's fingers made them look obscene. XP